Merry Christmas everyone! Indeed it is christmas already. There is not as much snow as there is at home, but there is a small amount =) It is 8 degrees outside =O crazy! 

The Second Inbound Orientation was last weekend. It was fun. It is crazy when all the exchange students get together. I almost forgot how crazy! We went bowling and to Lübeck and had a big meeting thing on Sunday. We were very busy! The orientation was hosted by my town so it was cool that I didn't need to go anywhere =) 

Anyway its christmas. =) HOLIDAY CHEER. ha! i have some pictures i would like to upload and stuff. So have a wonderful new years! and a 
Your Mommy.
1/2/2013 12:55:18 pm

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year! I love you!

Auntie Jeannie
1/5/2013 12:39:07 pm

Merry Christmas to you and I know you will be having a wonderful new year..
By the time you read this mama and Noah will most likely be on there way home..
I hope the homesickness stays away as the next few months will fly by.. you will be home before you know it... Enjoy your time... miss and love you... bye for now .. AJ


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