Homesickness is the distress or impairment caused by an actual or anticipated separation from the specific home environment or attachment objects.
So everyone is wanting an update! UPDATE TIME!! you can tell.. is what I am, and have been for a while. Homesickness can escalate to a point that i did not think possible. For a few days I felt like it would be easier to sit at home and sleep. It was almost like a depression. That was when I started talking to my friends. I called out to a few people in my district in germany and everyone from the district back in Canada. They were all sympathetic. They knew what I was going through because they have all had it. They are all supportive and they confirmed that my worst fear would never come true. 
I had feared that if I went home early then everyone would look down on me and think bad of me, but nobody would. They all support me. It's an amazing feeling to know that there are people who can understand and without even realizing it make the course of your future change by a few simple words. 
I had also spoken with a few of my class mates. Their reactions didn't affect me as much as the rotary people had, but they still encouraged me to do whatever i felt would be best. They told me that they have never been away so long from their family and that they can't understand my homesickness, but if i leave they would miss me. It was touching.


There are still plenty of things to say.  Lets start with the most recent and work backwards. So first... I am packing my bags to switch families. My new family is Family Goliasch. They are very nice family and I am very happy to be able to live with them. Although I will miss Family Boll, I am excited for the change. Family Boll was very welcoming and I am glad to have been welcomed into such a family. 
In my music class we must learn how to play a song. (in groups of course) my group chose "Gives You Hell" by the all american rejects. Imke is the singer, Lucas is the drummer, Marvin is a back up singer and Jule is a bass player. So I got stuck with guitar. (oh by the way none of us know how to play any of these instruments) In this song ( if you have never heard it) has a very big guitar part. It is a main instrument. It is heard all through out the song. So ya know.. its been a week and a half... Its.. ya...its coming along =/ My problem is not that i can't play the guitar.. because i know the notes I have the sheet music and i know where to put my fingers and all of this. My problem is that I don't have an actual guitar to play. 
So while listening to the song on youtube, Julian comes behind me and says let me show you something. And that my friends is how I find out that there are some very VERY talented people in my class.

Above is a link to a song. This song is composed and created y a single person in my class. The cover art is designed by another. They are incredibly talented. I have asked Tim ( the creator) to show me how he does it and he has. It is incredible. The setup he has is spectacular. It makes me want to try. 
In my geography the students had to make projects about the different aspects of a beach and some energy... i am not actually too sure... but there is this one guy named Alex and he has a macbook and an iphone. He uses this program called keynote ( which i recently purchased) it is much like powerpoint but the apple version. But the amazing part is that you can use your iphone or ipod as a remote. So Alex hooked up his computer to the projector turned down the screen display on his computer and sat down in his seat next to me. I said how are you going to control it. He shows me his phone and it has a picture of a ..uhm.. that thing that professors use.. its at the front of the class room... usually has a piece of paper or two on it.. like a presenters stand.. i don't know.. anyway.. and I asked what is it and then he proceeded to show me. It was awesome. the projector showed exactly what he was doing and it was controlled from his phone. It was so weird, no one was touching the computer it was all somewhere else. Absolutely amazing.  
Then there was my birthday. It was marvellous. I got many great gifts and the cake was delicious. I got hugs from many people and many pieces of cake and Happy birthday or.. a form of it at least was sung to me in german. It was quite amusing. 
So now I have been in Germany for almost four months. My german is not as good as i had hoped it would be by now, but i can not complain because i have helped many people with their english skills. ;) 
I have figured out that the students in my school expect me to just automatically speak german because they can speak english. Today I finally explained that german won't come to me like that unless they help me so that it does. I actually had to explain to them that they have to have patience and instead of telling me that i need to speak german and continuing to speak english because i can't answer right away, they need to be calm and the answer will be there. I never thought i would have to explain that.  First for everything I guess. =) 
So there are 7 months left... Or I can think of it as there are only 7 months left. Or I can think.. tomorrow is thursday. One more day until the weekend. 

"The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time"
~ Abraham Lincoln
Your Mommy
11/28/2012 05:45:25 am

Emily. You continue to amaze me. I am literally watching you mature through reading your words. The insight you have into your feelings is an attribute you will forever benefit from. I am glad to hear you reached out to your support network, both near and far, and that they were able to give you some insight. I know you won't always like what you hear, but sometimes hearing tough messages is a way to getting better. Just a matter of actually 'hearing'. Please try not to let yourself wallow in homesickness. Please try to force yourself out! Whether you know it or not, you are surrounded by people that love you both there and here. We all want you to have a great experience and we all admire how far you have come. Despite how grown up you seem already, you are still my baby girl, and I love you so very much. The link is totally cool, and I want to be taught the presentation trick too. Did you figure it all out?

Your Mommy
11/28/2012 05:50:50 am

And seriously.... I was laughing OUT LOUD at your description of your band,..... hilarious.... "it's not that I can't play the guitar....... I don't have an actual guitar to play". Seriously. Funny.

Auntie Jeannie
11/29/2012 11:24:23 pm

Em... you made my day and it is only 7:22 am... Your mom is right (suprising isn't it)... you do sound so mature... don't know if I like that or not.... but... I hear thru Tanya and Tannis what is happening in your life so I do keep in touch... I love you and hope you continue on your amazing journey.. love AJ


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